F2F Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Is Mayday’s music distinctive? Why? Have you seen them play live?


Catwalk – where models walk to show off new clothes

the Rest – everything else except what we were talking about, eating, etc.
e.g. I can eat the rest of the cake if no one else wants it.

Heard vs. Listen (to) – to hear is something that happens once and is over, or is about your ability; listening takes time
e.g. I just heard someone knocking on the door.
e.g. I can hear you (from where I am, I am able to hear what you are saying)
e.g. I’m listening to Mayday (in general, or I’m doing it now)

Youth – the noun for the time when someone is young
e.g. I remember the house I lived in in my youth.


I went to see his live – I went to see him live / I went to see his live show

I have saw this performance – I have seen this performance / I saw this performance

Speaking exercise

I met two friends on Saturday. We are all fans of Mayday (a band in China). They are famous in China, but not the world. I heard their song when I was in the high school. The first time I saw their song, I think I recognized them for a long time, because although I didn’t know who they were, but their song are really familiar to me. Maybe their songs were famous than their self, and their songs are full of encourage. Their songs shows friendship, encourage, and also dreams.

I met up with / hung out with two friends on Saturday. We are all fans of Mayday (a Chinese band). They are famous in China, but not in the rest of the world.** I listened to their songs when I was in the high school. The first time I listened to one of their songs, I thought I recognized them already for a long time, because although I didn’t know who they were, but their songs are sounded really familiar to me. Maybe their songs were more famous than they were. Also their songs are full of encouragement. Their songs showtalk about / sing about / deal with friendship, encouragement, and also dreams.

** But not anywhere else


Balm – first, put your tongue to the top of your mouth, and then close your lips