F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Hint – when you give someone part of an idea without telling them the answer; just a small amount of something, like a weak smell or taste mixed in with others
e.g. What’s the word for feeling that something is not interesting. I’ll give you a hint: it starts with “b” (the answer: bored)
e.g. Templeton rye has just a hint of dill pickle flavor.

Testimonial – when someone puts their name behind an opinion, when they tell you that they believe something and tell you that you can trust them

SE is so great!

Word Bubble – used to show what someone is saying, especially in comics (or in the testimonial above)

顶 – summit (top of a mountain), pinnacle (highest point, the best example of something
e.g. After a long night of hiking, we reached the summit at 4900m.
e.g. This orchestra is the pinnacle of interpretation of romantic music (they are the absolute best at playing this style)

Abstract / concrete – ideas and things
Tangible / intangible – things you can or can’t touch
e.g. Philosophy is abstract; physics is concrete.
e.g. The Great Wall is part of China’s tangible cultural heritage; Beijing opera 京剧 is part of China’s intangible cultural heritage.
Heritage – the things and culture you get from the past 遗产