F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Disagreement – when people have different ideas about what should be done
e.g. When my bosses have a disagreement, I don’t know who I should listen to.

Gasp – when you breathe in quickly to make a noise of surprise
e.g. Nick asked Sierra how she was doing, and when she said “not well,” he gasped!

Superior – someone who is higher in authority or skill
e.g. I will ask my superior if we can authorize this sale quicker than usual.
Subordinate – someone lower in authority

Trustworthiness – if people trust you or not
e.g. The disagreement between my bosses harms our company’s trustworthiness with our suppliers.

Favor / a favor – to like someone and treat them better; to do something special for someone without asking for payment
e.g. He favors Sierra, and so he gave her the work assignment.
e.g. We had to ask for a favor from our supplier to cancel the order we had already signed.

Diplomatic – to speak and act very carefully to avoid causing problems by offending people
e.g. Sierra will have to be very diplomatic to deal with her fighting bosses.

Know vs. Find out – “know” is about what you have; “find out” is about what you learn
e.g. I didn’t know that my bosses were fighting,  but after this awkward miscommunication I found out that their relationship is not very good.

Tell vs. Find out – “tell” is to notice; “find out” is to receive some news, about change
e.g. I can tell that you have had a bad day because you look sad (I “found” this information myself by looking at you)
e.g. I found out what happened to her from a friend (the friend gave me this information).

Find vs. Find out – a thing vs. information
e.g. I found a secret email on his computer.
e.g. I found out that he was keeping secret emails on his computer.

Look for vs. Find – the process vs. the end; 找 vs. 找到

Destination – the place you are trying to get to
e.g. We will arrive at our destination in an hour (we are driving there, or walking, etc.)

Caffeine – the chemical in tea and coffee that helps you to focus or stay awake

Grouchy – to be in a bad mood and get angry easily 急躁

Morning Funk – when you get out of bed and you just don’t feel right, usually you are grouchy or tired 起床气
e.g. I don’t know man, I’m just in some kind of morning funk. I can’t seem to focus, and I feel sort of annoyed at everyone for no reason.


I don’t know who I should listen – I don’t know who I should listen to

let me cancel the purchasing – made me cancel the purchase (order)

bad to me and bad to our relationship with the supplier – bad for me
e.g. “for” is more about the effect, the result of what the person is doing; “to” emphasizes the person affected, which person

talk to each other by me – through

I don’t know what should I do – I don’t know what I should do
— What should I do? — this is a question, and so we switch the verb and subject
— I don’t know — this is a statement, and so the next part has to stay in the form of a statement, the usual order: I don’t know, what I should do.