F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Try to find some English articles or some short stories (maybe try Young Adult Fiction) to read and look for new vocabulary. Look for idioms (special phrases in English)


Millionaire – someone who has at least one million dollars 1,000,000
Billionaire –  someone who has at least a billion dollars 1,000,000,000

Recoup – to get the cost of something back
e.g. We invested in a company, and though it didn’t do well, we were at least able to recoup our investment (we didn’t make any money, but we got our original money back)
Invest – to give money to someone who is going to start a business, or to buy something that you hope will increase in value 投资

Fallback – a second plan in case the first one doesn’t work out
e.g. I want to go into diplomacy, but as a fallback I can still work as a lawyer.
Fallback guy/girl – 备胎

Business Card – a card with your name, job, company, email, phone number that you give to people you meet and want to do business with

Recommendation – 建议


I only have twice to use English one week – I only have two opportunities to use English each week / I can only use English twice a week / twice per week