F2F Class Notes (Nick)


What are the new environmental regulations and how will they affect sales this year?


Project – to take past performance and use it to plan future performance
e.g. Given somewhat low fourth-quarter sales numbers, we are projecting less profit for first quarter of this year.

Showroom – a place where you put products that you want to sell, like furniture

Sweden – 瑞典

Radical (noun) – the small part of a character like 心 in 情, or the top piece

Tone – in Chinese, the four shapes of the vowel in a word 声

Dialect – a regional way of speaking which is not a totally separate language, e.g. 北京话,河南话

Chirp – the high sound a small bird makes


We will have few customers as before – we will lose customers / We will have fewer customers than before


Project vs. project (noun vs. verb) – prah – ject vs. pruh – ject