F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Continue to use new vocabulary to write sentences.


Facility – a big place for doing some, a complex, usually inside
e.g. The factory room is inside of a larger manufacturing facility.
e.g. The sports facility has an Olympic-sized pool, five basketball courts, a weight room, and two indoor soccer courts.
— Skill at doing something.
e.g. He has really developed a facility with English.

Data center / Cloud-computing center

Astronomy – watching the stars

Simulations – when you run a computer program to try to see how a plan will work
e.g. The military runs simulations of battles to test their strategies.

Calculator – a program or small computer that adds, subtracts,

Improve / Learn a skill
Lose a skill – forget how to do something, not be good at it anymore

Evolution – a change in the form of something so that it is something new and better
Degenerate – to change into something worse

Whether – to give a choice, either yes or no; two options
e.g. He didn’t know whether he would go to the party.

Fluid – liquid

Acidic – (uh – sid – ik) pH lower than seven; sour like a lemon


Will – as a verb, it means that something is certain
e.g. Are going tonight? Yes, I will go. (I am committing, because I am certain that I want to do it.)

Parts of speech by word endings
-tion – nation, competition
-sion – comprehension, precision
-ness – happiness
-ity – fluidity (the idea of being fluid, easily done)
-logy – the study of something (biology, geology, astrology, psychology)

-ic – acidic
-al – comical (funny)

-ly – happily, easily