F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Why do you think that kids are cleverer today than they were twenty years ago?


Thesis – a very long paper that you have to write to get a Master’s degree

Bilingual – anything that has to do with two languages
e.g. In Shanghai, most of the signs are bilingual.

Preserve – to keep something from being forgotten, or from being destroyed by time
e.g. The Shanghai Government put Shanghainese on all the buses to preserve the traditional culture of Shanghai.
Prevent – to stop something from happening

Dialect – a regional version of a language
Mandarin – 普通话

Needs more review

In, on, at with time and location
I’m at the train station, I’m in the train station, I’m at door number 1
I’m on the train, I’m in the train, I’m going into the train
— “On” seems to be a status; “in” is a location


We have to take care of my daughter by ourselves / ourselves

Childrens – children

Have a sleep – take a nap

We didn’t have nothinganything