F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Keep reading “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” and bring in sentences that are hard to understand.


Create sentences with some of the prepositions that you find confusing.


Figure – when used without “out,” it is to think about the future, something that might happen, speculate
e.g. I figure that if I work hard, I can get a car.

Gonna – going to

Come in handy – I think that something will be useful in the future
e.g. I know that speaking good English will come in handy someday.
e.g. I know that speaking English will come in handy for my trip to the US.

Jerk – to pull something quickly away from someone else; a person who is rude and who you don’t like
e.g. When she picked up his diary, he jerked it away before she could open it.
e.g. I can’t believe that he said that to her! What a jerk!

Record – anything that is used to save something that someone said, thought, music
On the record – I want people to know [what]
e.g. I want it on the record that I was not in the bank when it was being robbed. I was across the street.

Spurt – anything that happens quickly, sort of like sprout, or spray, spout
Growth spurt – when a kid grows quickly in a short period of time
e.g. He hit a growth spurt last year and went from 120cm to 150.

Gorilla – the largest of the apes

Image result for gorilla


On – the idea of being on top of or hanging on
e.g. on the table
e.g. on the wall
— To be talking about something
e.g. While we’re on the subject…
— With time, for days and weekends
e.g. On Saturday
e.g. On the weekend

In – about limitation
— For time, anything larger than a day; parts of the day
e.g. In the 1990’s…
e.g. In the 1400’s…
e.g. In the afternoon

busy on – busy with
— We use “with” because the subject of what you’re doing is separate from you, like a tool; it’s related to what you’re doing or who you’re doing it with
e.g. I’m very busy with the supply chain problem.

With – some things that are together
e.g. I’m going with a friend.
e.g. I’m working with Excel to check our expenses this month.
e.g. I’m going to use Spanish to speak with him.

Of – what something is made of
e.g. This is a table of wood (this is a wooden table)
e.g. period of time (measured in minutes and seconds, not by something happening)

For – why you do something
e.g. I am doing this for you (so that you can benefit)


Diary of a wimpy kid
1. I figure later on when I’m rich and famous
2. So this book is gonna come in handy
3. All I need is for some jerk to catch me carrying this book around and get the wrong idea
4. Let me just say for the record that I think middle school is the dumbest idea ever invented
5. You got kids like me who haven’t hit their growth spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day