F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Talk about the game you played when you went out.


Come Hell or high water – no matter what happens, we are going to do something; we will finish it
e.g. Why can’t I access the consultants page? Well, no matter! Come Hell or high water, we will have a lesson!

Present / Absent – to be in a place or not be in a place
e.g. In class, you are either marked present or absent.

Scope vs. Depth – how many things are included, or how much of one thing is there/do you know
e.g. He has a large scope, but actually little depth (he knows a little about many different things, but not too much about any one thing)

the Tab – the bill in a restaurant, or to pay for something; especially in a bar, when you “open a tab,” and you can order many drinks before you have to pay
e.g. We told my brother he could come with us, but he would have to pick up the tab (pay the bill).

Kick someone out – to remove someone from a group, or tell them that they must leave some place
e.g. He got too drunk and was trying to fight people, so they kicked him out of the bar.
e.g. They were insulting other people in the group, so we kicked them out.

Change your mind – decide not to do something and do something else instead
e.g. We wanted to go to a bar, but we changed our mind and went to a restaurant.

Per – mei ge


“Had been” and “-ed” are both in the past, but “had been” is something which is unfinished, and is a period of time.
e.g. We waited for an hour (this time is finished, over)
e.g. We had been waiting for an hour when we finally got a seat (something is happening when something else happens)

Got vs. Had – got is about change; have is about a state
e.g. We got a seat (we were standing, but now we have a place to sit)
e.g. I have a car (I own a car)