F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Find an interesting article to read about El Chapo.

Write a short summary of who he is, or an interesting situation you read about.


Fix – to make something work again; to attach something to something else so that it won’t move
— We used nails to fix the sign on the house.

Nail – a pointy piece of metal you use to attach things by hitting it with a hammer

Crisis – a very serious and urgent problem, usually one you didn’t expect
e.g. This disease has affected a lot of people, causing a public health crisis in the city. There are simply not enough drugs or doctors to care for the sick.

Drug – anything you can put in your body that changes the way it works
— It has two usual contexts: medicine and illegal substances
e.g. Doctors have developed a new drug that can cure cancer.
e.g. El Chapo, a famous Mexican drug lord, is on trial now in the United States.

By hand – an adverb meaning that you did something without machines, either without tools or with only simple tools
e.g. Even if you dig a tunnel by hand, you will make a lot of noise.

Flammable/Inflammable – these both mean that something can catch fire

Canny/Uncanny – “canny” means clever; “uncanny” means strange

Affection – when you like something, feel warmly towards it
e.g. I have a great affection for my dog.

Overseas – someone outside of your country, usually on the other side of an ocean or sea


Dig, dug, dug

I still have a confusion – I still have a questionI am still confused
— Confusion is a state, how you feel
e.g. We are trying to avoid confusion by making our instructions clear.
— A question is something you are not sure about.