F2F Class Notes (Nick)

Next Class Focus

Do a speaking section.

Needs more review




Speak vs. Say
— Speak is for an ability (会说)
e.g. I can speak English
— Say is just for making words
e.g. He said that he would be late.

Nap – when you sleep for a little while, usually during the day
e.g. I think that a short nap in the afternoon makes me feel better, and then I can work more effectively.

Efficient vs. Effective
— “Efficient” means to get a lot of stuff done quickly or cheaply
— “Effective” means to accomplish the goal, to do something really well, to achieve something
e.g. If I teach three students at a time, it would be efficient, but probably not very effective.
e.g. If I teach you the whole history of the English language, that would be effective in raising your level, but not very efficient, because it would take much too long.

Stress/Emphasis – the part of a word that is louder, longer, or higher in pitch
e.g. The stress in “independent” is on the syllable “pen”: in – de – pen – dent

Semester – half of a school year, either the Fall or the Spring
e.g. In fall semester, I went to Brazil.

Academic Exchange – when you go to study at a different university for a semester or a year
e.g. I did an exchange semester in Ecuador.


When we talk about some abilities, we use “-ing”
e.g. listening/hearing, speaking, writing, reading


Insultin – sult (noun); in – sult (verb)
— the part of the word in bold is the part that is louder, higher, and longer

Addressad – dress (noun); ad – dress (verb)
— where you live
— to talk to someone, or to write a letter to someone

Complexcom – plex (noun); com – plex (adj)
— a lot of buildings together
— not simple