F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Write about what you think the world will be like in 50 years. (try not to use sentences that are too long)


Immoral – the opposite of moral

Aftermath – all the consequences of something, usually bad
e.g. In the aftermath of the bombing, many people died as well.

Arouse vs. Arise – to cause an emotion; to appear, to happen
e.g. This gene-editing situation has aroused a lot of anger.
e.g. A situation arose at work, where we had to punish a scientist who broke the rules.

Mature – for technology, advanced
BUT, for living things, it means “fully grown or developed”


They will carry the aftermath of this technology – they will suffer the consequences / bear the burdens of this technology

The disadvantages will be more than the advantages – there will be more disadvantages than advantages

He should be arrest and put him in the jail – He should be arrested and put in jail / . . . and they should put him in jail
— Passive voice tells what should happen to someone/something when it doesn’t matter who does it
— It is formed like this: “to be” + past tense
e.g. He needs to be investigated.
e.g. The cake was eaten.

Confrontation is the noun related to “confront”

You can talk about some news – Could you? Would you? Why don’t you?


Arouse – uh – raoz
Arose – uh – roze

Ethic – eth – ik
Ethnic – eth – nik

Confront – con – front

Vest vs. Vast – “short e” vs. “short a”
— Review these using a dictionary so that you can hear it.