F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

Practice comparing things using the grammar form below.
e.g. This car is bigger than that one.
e.g. Apples are tastier than oranges.


Traffic – when there are too many cars on the road
e.g. Nick was on the bus for one hour because of traffic.

Stoplight – a light on the road which tells you when to drive and when to stop 红绿灯
e.g. I sat at the stoplight until it was green so I could go.

To get off work – 下班

To be used to – 习惯

Count – 数

Similar – 一样的

Secret – something that someone is not allowed to know
e.g. I asked them what they were talking about, but they wouldn’t tell me. They said that it’s a secret!

Step by step – to do something slowly, or to keep improving 一步一步
e.g. Step-by-step you will get better at English.

Class – 课 when you have a teacher to help you learn
e.g. Yolanda takes classes with Smart English.

French – 法语
e.g. Yolanda’s friend is French because her husband is French.

Map – 地图
e.g. Can you find California on a map?

Los Angeles – 洛杉矶
e.g. Many planes fly from Shanghai to Los Angeles.


Too many peoples – too many people

Many vs. Much – when you can count how how many you have; when you can’t count how many you have
e.g. How many apples do you have? I have six apples.
e.g. How much water do you have? I have one liter.

中文比英文难学 - Chinese is harder to learn than English; ____noun____ is ____adjective____ than _____noun_____

Can’t don’t speak – You cannot tell anyone