F2F Class Notes (Nick)

Next Class Focus

Test the pronunciation of “earl”
— Check “l”
— Check “er” sounds


Review the pronunciation of “earl” (check the link below)


Catch vs. Grab
e.g. You “catch” something that is trying to get away, to escape.
e.g. You “grab” something by closing your hand on it and holding on.

Before vs. In front – in time; in space
After vs. Behind – in time; in space

Handprint – the shape of a hand, made in paint, in the sand, in concrete


I will be tired / I will get tired
— “Be” means that by the time something happens, you will already be tired; what I am (state).
— If you “get” tired, then you are doing something until it makes you tired; what I have become (result).


“L” – sounds good! Remember to push your tongue to the top of your mouth

“R” after a vowel – close your teeth and lips, lift your tongue a little, and bring the corners of your mouth in (make the corners tighter)

Put them both together with the word “earl”

Bam vs. Ban vs. Bang
— What is similar is that these all push sound through your nose.
— What is different is how you do it.
M is lips; N is behind your teeth; Ng is the middle of your tongue.

Haunted – hawn – ted