F2F Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Talk about your birthday! What did you do? Did you celebrate Halloween that day?


Sweater – 毛衣

Exchange – a little conversation, a short conversation
e.g. Onstage in the theater, you can really feel the emotion of the exchange, unlike in a movie.

Theater vs. Play – a theater is where a play happens

Character – a person in a play, movie, book, etc. usually not real人物
e.g. In this play, there are two characters who fall in love.

Couple – two of anything; two people in a relationship
e.g. For breakfast, I ate couple of eggs (two eggs)
e.g. They are a couple (they are dating, are in a relationship)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Lover – the person you love
BUT, use the word carefully. It could be your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, OR it could be your 小三


Theater play – play
— If it is somewhere else, then we put that front.
e.g. An outdoor play
e.g. A street play

True vs. Truth – it feels very real / true / geniune

I’m not. Me too – Me neither

Writing exercise

Ok. I think I should write something.right I’m not feeling good.Thats feeling like lose some important things in my heart.
Tonight I watch a theater of young men’s love.In over i remember my last girlfriend.I miss her but I lost her.
So I think the most important things isn’t meet right guys . The most important just what time to meet.
I really hope she can has good future.
Ok,Is over. I finish my homework. Good night

Ok. I think I should write something. Right! I’m not feeling good. The feeling of losing something important in my heart.
Tonight I watchedplay about a young couple’s love. At the end, I remembered my last girlfriend. I miss her but I lost her.
So I think the most important thing is not to meet the right one / person, but The most important just what time to meet at the right time.
I really wish her a good future.
Ok. It’s over. I finished my homework. Good night!


Wednesday – Wenz – day