F2F Class Notes (Nick)



Same from last time:

Write some “Messages” to invite your friends to dinner.
1. A Mexican restaurant in Pudong on Saturday. 8 people.
2. Hot Pot, on Sunday Afternoon, at JiuGuang, 5 people.

Write one message to your friend, to invite them.


Drizzle – very small rain, light rain (not heavy)
e.g. Today it isn’t really raining, only drizzling.

差不多 – Almost, more-or-less

Fur – hair on an animal
e.g. This is a very furry dog (a dog with lots of fur)

照顾 – Care for (long time), look after (short time)
e.g. Yolanda thinks it is too much work to care for a dog. Better just to look at and play with other people’s dogs.

听过 – to hear of, be familiar with
e.g. Have you heard of Jiangxi Province?
e.g. Are you familiar with Gansu Province?
Listened to
e.g. Have you listened to the new song?

礼貌 – Polite; 不礼貌 – Impolite

Traditional Characters / Simplified Characters – 繁体字,简体字
In English, we use the word for 传统 instead of 繁体, which means “complicated”

Reviewed – Insurance, Deposit, Complicated, Blood, You look like


umbrella, rain too small – There is not enough rain to use my umbrella

three hours I at home – It takes three hours to get/return home

Have you been to Tibet (xizang). no? me too – me neither / I haven’t been either

Today I do yoga – Today I will do yoga / Today I will go to a yoga class


Drizzle – dri – zul
Use this page to practice: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/drizzle

Blood – blud