F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Find an article about the midterm elections (will Democrats take the House, the Senate?), or about who might run for President in 2020 (both Democrats and anyone who might challenge Trump from within the Republican party).

Write a summary or be ready to talk about it.


Rabble-rouser – the first part means “the common people,” and the second part means “to cause to be angry and to take action”
e.g. Trump is a rabble-rouser.

Staggered – when something happens in pieces, so that doesn’t happen all at once
e.g. Voting is staggered over six years, so that one third of the Senators is elected every two years.

Voter Turnout – the number/percentage of people who show up to vote

Decline – to move downward, to get worse
Fall (stocks) -to move downward
e.g. The stock-market has fallen around the world in response to the trade war.

Shell – at outer protective layer, like on seafood or nuts
e.g. Trump is only a shell; he has no substance.

Poll – a type of survey that tries to understand public opinion

Pseudo – a part of a word that you can add to the beginning of another to mean that it isn’t quite that thing
e.g. pseudo-science (research which isn’t really science, but pretends to be)
e.g. Pseudo-President (someone who pretends to be a President, or looks like one, but really isn’t)


Send it until November 6th – You have until Nov. 6th to send it / Send it on or before Nov. 6th

Make fun – Make fun of

Structure of the world finance– structure of the world’s financial system


Hypocritical – hi – po – cri – ti – cal