VIP F2F Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

Try to use the “either/or” structure and to build sentences using “and, but, because.” Check your notes with Tony again to review different sentence types.

Or, look for a children’s or young adult book in English. Look for examples of simple and complex sentences. Bring in any sentences that you have trouble understanding.

Tony recommends Diary of a Wimpy Kid, for example. Also consider popular series of books, like Harry Potter, but make sure to find something you can understand ~70% of without using a dictionary, grammar book, or Spanish translation of.


Take it easy – to relax, don’t stress
e.g. Elena is taking it easy in China, studying languages and photography.

South American – Sudamericano; this can apply to people, or anything from South America
e.g. Do you like South Americans?
e.g. Do you like South American food?

To Call Attention – llamativo – in English we don’t really have an adjective like this. Instead, try a phrase:
e.g. Blondes in South America call/draw a lot of attention. (Llamarse la atención, atraer atención)
e.g. In South America, people really notice blondes.

Notice – darse cuenta de algo; “ver”
e.g. I noticed that you bought a new car.

Undergraduate/Bachelor’s – bachillerato – the first four years of university education
e.g. I studied English during my undergraduate years.
e.g. I have a Bachelor’s degree in English.

Method Рa way of doing something; m̩todo
e.g. It’s hard to find a good method for learning a new language.

Gap – a hole; hueco
e.g. I still feel that my English has gaps, but I will keep working to fill in those gaps!

Tough – strong; resistente, fuerte
e.g. Cowboys are always very tough.

Seller vs. salesperson – seller is more general, including factories, companies, street vendors, anyone selling anything. Salesperson is someone working in a store to help clients find things, get prices, etc.
e.g. I spoke with the seller who is willing to lower the price on the shirts we ordered.
e.g. In the store I couldn’t find the soap, so I asked the salesperson where it was.


Once/one time – usually only used with verbs that imply that it could be repeated
e.g. I tried once to speak with the salesperson, but I was unsuccessful and too embarrassed to try again.
To use these with other verbs, you should include some other context.
e.g. I asked the salesperson once about the price of the shirt, but he didn’t understand me.

Either/or – we use these as a pair to express that one of two options is correct
e.g. Either you didn’t understand me, or you weren’t listening.
e.g. Either you buy the blue one, or the red one, but not the green one! (there are many colors, but only the blue one or the red one is ok)
This is the same as o … o … in Spanish

Badly; -ly – used to describe how something is done
e.g. I still speak Chinese very badly, but soon I’ll speak it very well!

Writing exercise

I went to shopping mall with my friend, she went to the babies section and I went to woman section. I wanted practice my Chinese how Tony recommended me, he tough me that this way was very easy to prectice. I tried but my nerves betray me. Just asked one time about a T-shirt and the seller answered with numbers, in conclusion or she doesn’t understand me or I speak Chinese very very bad. Hahaha

I went to the/a shopping mall with my friend. She went to the babies’/children’s section and I went to the women’s section. I wanted to practice my Chinese like/as Tony recommended me that I do. He taught me that this way was would be very easy to practice. I tried but my nerves betrayed me. I just asked one time about a T-shirt andbut the seller answered with numbers. In conclusion either she doesn’t understand me or I speak my Chinese (speaking skill) is very very bad (or I speak Chinese very very badly). Hahaha