F2F Class Notes (Nick)

Next Class Focus

Continue to work with prepositions, comparing in, on, at, in both their physical and extended senses (in the corner; in a category; in the month of July), time vs. location prepositions, etc.


Bring back the questions you had on your phone, and look for more examples of difficult grammar.


Congee – this is the usual translation of 粥 in China, but I have never heard it in the US. Usually we would use porridge to describe this kind of thing. The only kind of porridge I think Americans eat is oatmeal.

Entirely – completely, totally


Don’t eat over 5pm – after; location vs time

A primary student – “primary” means “main”; A primary school student

We need to read it in bi3 – We need to read it as bi3
— Usually, “as” is used to compare things, to show that they are the same
e.g. It is as big as a house.
— Usually, in is about location, where something has at least three sides around it; where something has limits.
— Also with categories, like metals.
— Also, with larger times like years or months; then more specific is “on,” like with days; then more specific again with “at,” like with times.
e.g. I was born in 1992, on July 10th, at 9 am.
e.g. I am on Nanjing Xi Lu, at Jing’an Temple.
e.g. I am in the middle of the road (standing where the cars drive, or in a hole).

A few days laterAfter a few days

Enough is can be an adjective, and relates to a noun. But, if we already know what the noun is, you don’t have to repeat it.
e.g. I already have enough apples.
e.g. I have eaten enough (we know that I mean food, so I don’t have to say it)
— It can also be an adverb:
e.g. He is lucky enough (describing “is”)


Congee – con – jee