F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Numb – to not be able to feel anything; to cause something to not feel anything
e.g. The doctor numbed my mouth before performing the surgery.
e.g. My mouth is still numb, an hour after the surgery.

Anesthetic – the medicine that causes numbness
Anesthetize – the medical term for “to numb”

Infection – when unfriendly bacteria (viruses?) get into your body

Inflammation – when part of your body swells, becomes red and hot, and hurts

Deep vs. Depth
e.g. I am allowed to dive up to 18m deep.
e.g. I am allowed to dive to a depth of 18m.

Reef – an underwater structure formed by small animals leaving their shells, or by rocks near the surface of the ocean

Service – the area where your phone gets signal, reception
e.g. Out here, we have no service/reception. It’s very relaxing!
Connection – the ability of your phone and a cell tower to communicate; when you are leaving your service area, you could say that your connection is bad.

Certificate/License – what you get to prove you are qualified
Certification – when someone else says that you’re qualified, qualification


The instructor will make you have the certification – The instructor will make sure that you get the certificate


Anesthetic – An – uh – ste – tik
Anesthetize – An – es – tuh – tize