F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Aired / Shown – for a tv show to appear on tv
e.g. Ultraman was aired / shown from 1996 to 2006.

Niche – small, specialized
e.g. Ultraman fans are a devoted niche of the anime market.

Thrilled – to be very happy to have a chance to do something, or meet someone
e.g. I am just thrilled to finally meet you!


It was shown at 1966 – It was shown in [year]

We saw it thirty years later than it was shown on Japan – It was shown thirty years later in China than in Japan / We saw it thirty years later than the Japanese
— Try to compare when the same action was done (show/show; see/see; not see/show)

If you very like the Superman series – If you really like

It’s very pity – It’s really a pity / It’s very unfortunate

When acting the role – When playing the role