F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Ecuador – 厄瓜多尔

Climb / Hike – to go up a mountain
e.g. It takes six hours to climb Cotopaxi (the volcano in Ecuador).

Peak – the top of a mountain
e.g. The peak of Cotopaxi is 5897m above sea level.

Farthest – the most far
e.g. Ecuador has the farthest point from the center of the Earth.

Show – for a tv series to be on tv
e.g. The Transformers was shown around 1987.
(Better than display)

Display – to put something somewhere where it can be easily seen (especially for art, or something nice you want people to see)
e.g. He put the vase near his door to display it to his guests.
e.g. His new piece

Fireplace – a place inside the home for building a fire

Dormitory – like apartments for students, owned by the school; 宿舍
e.g. In the winter, the dormitories are very cold.


I don’t think they can understand what I say – … what I am saying / I don’t think they can understand me
(But they can!)

Good vs. Well – adjective vs. adverb