F2F Class Notes (Nick)


How was the club? Why do you like going to the club? How can you relax in a club?


What is the best movie you have seen recently?

Next Class Focus

Make her speak English, not Chinese!


Hurt – 疼

To get sick / fall ill – 生病

To get better – to not be sick

Fear (verb) – 害怕

Verb – 动词
Noun – 名词
Adjective – 形容词
Adverb – 副词
Preposition – 介词

Nod – to move your head up and down, meaning yes 点头
Shake your head – to move your head side to side, meaning no 摇头

Medicine – something you eat to make you feel better 药

Nap – when you sleep for a short time, usually during the day 午睡,小睡

Impressive – something that surprises you because it is good, strong, etc.

Tear – 眼泪

Noisy – 吵

Eventually – at some time, probably not soon, I don’t know when 最终

换 – change / get a new [one]
e.g. If one teacher leaves, you can change to another one.
e.g. My shoes are old, so I need to get some new ones.

Go away, Depart – 离开

Get out of here! / Get outta here! – 滚开

Throat – 嗓子

Delete – 删除

Dictionary – 词典

Opposite – 反义词,对面

Boring – 无趣

New York State, New York City – 纽约省, 纽约市


I never to see that – I never use them

When we want to compare things, we usually do it like this:
This is more/less/not as [adjective] than that
e.g. He is taller than her = 他比她高
If you don’t want to say what is different, you can just say “not the same”
e.g. You are not the same as me = 你跟我不一样


Ice cream – make sure to say “m” not “n” at the end
— “N” is with your tongue
— “M” is with your lips