F2F Class Notes (Nick)


IF all the Ricks were the same, and left their worlds at the same time, then no one else in the world would notice that they had gone anywhere. So how would the Ricks learn to live in a different space-time where no one knows that they are different?

Could this be the episode where Rick and Morty break their own space-time and move to a new one? Which one of these episodes makes more sense? (Or, just tell me about this episode.)


Write about your vacation.
(Have a good time!)


Debt – money you have to pay to someone else because they gave you money when you didn’t have any
e.g. Nick still has debt from school.

Law – 法律

Illinois – the state where Chicago is

Degree – what you get when you finish college studies 学位

Phuket – 普吉岛
Chiang Mai – 清迈

African American – a politer term than “black” if you are in the US

Politics – 政治

Pack – 收拾书包,收拾行李

Idiot – someone very stupid
e.g. Donald Trump is an idiot.


When will you back to China? – When will you come back to China?

You and your girlfriend will far away? – will be far away / will be separated

What will you do when you come back to US? – get / go

I just slept three-and-a-half one hours – I only slept 3.5 hours
— “Just” means that you want to do something and only barely managed to do it (but did it, or it happened); emphasizes something happening
e.g. I just got to sleep when the phone rang and woke me.
e.g. I just missed the bus (I almost caught it, but it drove away)
— “Only” emphasizes how small something is, how little
e.g. I only got half of the pizza I bought because the driver dropped it on the way to my house.

It’s really relaxrelaxing
— To describe how something makes you feel, use “-ing”
e.g. Nick’s life is very boring.

I haven’t packed yet vs. I didn’t pack
— The first means you still have time to do it
— The second means you don’t have any time to do it (the opportunity is gone)