F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Research the museum you want to see in New York.


Son-in-law – 女婿
In-laws – the parents of the person you married

Political Consulting – to give people advice on political matters, especially companies who want to do business abroad

Debt – money you have to give to someone else
e.g. Nick still has debt from his BA that he has to pay off.

Permissions – who can see what you put on WeChat, Facebook, etc. 权限
e.g. I only give permission to view my posts to my friends.

Pull-out couch – when you don’t have a bed for friends to stay on, but you do have a couch with a mattress inside
Mattress – the soft thing you put on your bed so that it is more comfortable

Image result for pull-out couch
Image result for mattress

Spine – the bones in your back that allow you stand up straight
Vertebrae – the individual bones in your spine

Distract – when you don’t want someone to think about something, so you try to get them to think about something else; when you are doing something boring and something more exciting happens and takes your attention away
e.g. You thought you could distract me so that I would forget about the quiz! You were wrong!

Quiz – a small test, usually to test a few related ideas
Test – a big quiz, usually to test a whole group of ideas or a chapter of a textbook

Etymology – the history and meaning of words and their parts


When will you go back to China – come