F2F Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Write about your trip. Which city did you choose? Why did you choose that city?

Needs more review

Counting, especially between 11 and 20.


Just those few – 就那一些

What is this/that (called)? – 这个是/叫什么?

Complete – 完整

Still – in the middle of 还(在)

Decide – 决定

没有为什么 – there is no (reason) why

什么意思? – what does this mean?

Comparatively, compare – 比较


With names, you don’t need to use “the”
e.g. Nicole, not the Nicole
e.g. Shanghai, not the Shanghai
e.g. China, not the China

Speaking exercise

Go to the Hangzhou, or Suzhou. 我还在选择. Because I 没有为什么!Because Hangzhou 比较far, Suzhou比较close. 杭州的吃的多.

Go to the Hangzhou, or Suzhou. I am still deciding / choosing. Because I . .  there is no reason why! Because Hangzhou comparatively far, Suzhou comparatively close. 杭州的吃的多.


Comparatively – com – pare – uh – tiv – lee