F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Write about your favorite cartoon movie. Which one? Which company made it? (Monsters Inc.)


Write about your favorite Chinese food.

Next Class Focus

Talk about travel.


Chile – 智利
Argentina – 阿根廷
Brazil – 巴西
Ecuador – 厄瓜多尔

Vocabulary – new words you want to know, words you already know 词汇

Build – to put small things together to make something bigger 建立
e.g. To build a sentence, you need different words in order.

Order food – 点菜

Role play – you pretend to be a type of person
e.g. I will be the waiter, and you will be the customer, and you can try to order food.
Cosplay – you wear the clothes of a famous person, like a cartoon character (for adults)
Dress up – like cosplay for kids
Character – a person in a story 角色
e.g. Captain America is a famous, and handsome, character.
Cartoon – 动画片

Adult – 成人

Disney, Dreamworks, Pixar – three big cartoon companies

Finance – companies that work with money 金融

Steamed Bun – 馒头

Soy Milk – 豆浆

Hard-boiled Egg – 水煮蛋

Politics – 政治

Law – 法律

Liberal Arts – 文科


Who does what to who/what?
Subject + Verb + Object
主语 + 动词 + 宾语
e.g. I eat an apple.
e.g. I read a book.