F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Why is it more difficult to go to a good public school if you try to go to private school first? This seems harsh…


Shield – a flat thing used to defend from attack
Attack – 攻击
Image result for shield picture

Advertisement (ad) – something that tries to get you to buy something 广告

Vote – to pick the person you want to work in the government 投票
e.g. Did you vote for Donald Trump? No, I did not.

Donald Trump – 唐纳德·特朗普


How can parents give he a name? – him

We have to vote to pick up some people – Pick out
— “Pick up” is to 拿起
— “Pick up” also means to go out, like to a bar, and try to find a girlfriend
— “Pick out” means to have some choices and to choose one

We don’t know who are you – who you are


Live (verb) – liv
Live (adj) – lie – v