F2F Class Notes (Nick)


Who is your favorite comedian? Why?


Producer – someone who puts the pieces of songs, shows, movies together into a finished project
Director – the person who controls the making of a show, movie, or theater performance

Joke – something you say that makes people laugh
Joking – when you say something but are only making a joke; when you are not being serious; just kidding, 开玩笑
e.g. When he came into work with a very bright shirt, I asked if he had joined the circus. He didn’t look happy when he heard that, so I told him that I was just joking!
Joker – card #11 in a deck; sort of like a clown, a person who used to make jokes for the King

Infamous – famous for bad reasons
e.g. The famous comedian left TV work for a while because he said: “You can’t ever become un-famous (not famous), you can only become infamous.”

Judgment – the ability to decide if something is good or bad
e.g. When you work in advertising, you have to use your judgment to decide if a campaign will work.
Guilt (noun) – when you do something that is bad and then it makes you feel bad, or you don’t do something and feel that you should have; regret
e.g. When I was drunk, I said something to her that I should not have. Now I feel guilty.
— Regret can express a similar idea as a verb:
e.g. I regret what I said last night while I was drunk.
Guilt (verb) – to make someone feel guilty
e.g. He broke the table last night, but he hasn’t offered to help fix it. I am going to guilt him a little today to try to get him to help us.
Judgment/Guilt-Free Zone – a place or group of people who are not going to make you feel bad or tell you that you have done something wrong because you don’t know something or because you caused some problem
e.g. At SmartEnglish, we don’t do quizzes to make you feel guilty, or to judge you. We only do vocabulary quizzes to help you review what you learned before!