F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)(W)

Writing exercise


I want to write about the book which helped me to meditate and reflect on myself these days. It is a readable essay book, translated into ‘quite simple’ in English, about the importance of living the present.

The author, a young Korean woman who just graduated from an art school and struggled to find a job at that time, went to walking trip to the pilgrim’s route, the way of St James pilgrimage trail from France to Santiago, on a whim. This book is her journal with beautiful pictures and hand drawings during the trip. Through them, she is telling us that it is okay to step back and take a rest in the present. Like a walking trip, life is guided by your own and there is no reason to follow or compare with others. If you are faithful to the present moment, you won’t never feel fear about the future. : )


I want to write about the book  that helped me to meditate and reflect on my life these days. It is a readable essay book—the title translates to ‘quite simple’ in English—about the importance of living in the present.

The author, a young Korean woman who just graduated from an art school and struggled to find a job at that time, went on a walking trip along the pilgrim’s route, the way of St James pilgrimage trail from France to Santiago, on a whim. This book is her journal with beautiful pictures and hand drawings that she took during/of  the trip. Through them, she is telling us that it is okay to step back and to rest in the present. Like a walking trip, life is your own journey and there is no reason to follow or compare with others. If you are faithful to the present moment, you will never feel fear about the future. : )


take a rest = have a rest = take a break = to rest

planes of existence / a plane is a level

alchemy / chemistry / khem / Egypt

alchemy / the ancient practice of trying to turn lead and other base metals into gold

e.g. The alchemists were brilliant people.

Philosopher’s Stone / this stone could turn anything into gold

Magnum Opus / latin for “The Great Work”

“scratching your own itch”

“the hard problem of consciousness” / the scientists difficulty in determining where consciousness comes from and why we need it / how can consciousness arise from material things

“a lot of the lines intersect” / there’s a lot of common things among these two things

to advocate for something / to argue for in support of something

e.g. The Chinese government wanted to kick Nicholas out of the country, so Sooyoon came and advocated for him.

e.g. Women marched in Washington DC to advocate for women’s rights.

e.g. Sooyoon is an advocate of living in the present moment.

New Age / it’s a movement that advocates for living in the moment and thinking positively 

e.g. The New Age movement is gaining popularity among people who live for very busy lives.


advocate / verb

advocit / noun / advocate


Eckhart Tolle / The Power of Now / …Earth / podcast “This New Earth”


human always want to rely on something

always related to fearness