F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)[S]

Speaking exercise


Yes I think its important because just like me / take me for example I still struggle sometimes I don’t want to work everyday, every morning, I just stay with my daughter but I have to get up and go work and everyday I have a lot of job to do and a lot of challenge but sometimes I think its good sometimes I feel its difficult but its the point I have an opportunity or to study things – sometimes I think its good because the job can make money and that way you can improve yourself – I think the job is one part of my life and it makes me professional and it can give me my dream life. So I think everyday I need to encourage myself / motivate myself / I think I’m not passionate person. I think maybe for example now I’m falling up an arbitration case and sometimes I need to confirm some evidence with the business department.


Yes I think its important because just like me / take me for example I still struggle sometimes I don’t want to work everyday, every morning, I would rather stay with my daughter but I have to get up and go work and everyday I have a lot of work to do and a lot of challenges but sometimes I think its good sometimes I feel its difficult but the point is I have an opportunity to learn new things or to study new  things / better myself professionally / grow as a professional – sometimes I think its good because your job earns you money and that way you can improve yourself – I think my job is just one part of my life and it makes me feel professional / turns me into a professional  and it can give / [provide] me my dream life. So I think everyday I need to encourage myself / motivate myself / I think I’m not passionate person. I think maybe for example now I’m following up on an arbitration case and sometimes I need to confirm some evidence with the business department.


follow up / following up


same to me
same as me

I don’t know what’s her job
I don’t know what her job is

take attention
pay attention
Parents don’t pay enough attention to their children
Employees need to pay more attention to their work

it’s could be
it could be

it’s need a lot of people to approve it
it needs a lot of people to approve it / it requires a lot of people to approve it

the job is challenge
the job is a challenge
the job is challenging


structure – gives my life order, feels like I am in control
Working gives my life structure.

introvert – 性格内向
extrovert – 个性外向的
The boy was very introverted. He was an introvert.
I love parties because I’m very extroverted. I’m an extrovert.

system – 系统
If you have a business development request you need to submit it into the compliance system.

I feel pressure from my job.

passionate / passion 热情
I am passionate about my job. – adj
I have a passion for learning English. – noun

mindfulto be mindful of – pay attention this thing
Please be mindful that our business is changing so you will have new roles soon.

mindfulness / meditation – 冥想
Our yoga teacher tells us to meditate.
I enjoy meditation during my yoga class.
Everyday we should practice mindfulness.

