F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)[S]


How will you raise your son with this family tradition of “fate”?

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The family education in my family fate is important cuz because my grand grand father has a fortune teller told him, he sold rice in his time/era, and the fortune tell er told him if you want o be rich you wouldn’t have children, if you want to have children, you would be poor, but he choose the second, yes he’s poor, he has eleven child, but fate is difficult. The first wife is my great grandmother and the second wife is the not my great grandmother / [is not related].  I don’t know maybe the – you know in China has sentence means: “feather and other told you should be married” and the second reason is maybe the first one cannot birth baby. I think the fate connect with the lucky. If you do things is the right way and the lucky will be become to my life. If you do the things not right way will be bad. This is the fate. And in my life.

Exactly I’m not too Christian / [extreme]. I think change my fate is two things he firs thing is after I graduate college and go toward my first boss is a designer and he want to talk me to his new company, everything has prepared but he told me you should make your quotation about this design case to him – you know this is a bad things I dont do that I stay at my first company right now and I think this is the very hard things on that occasion so these things make me think my work is over, and after that the lucky things become I’m did department leader in this company, and I don’t make the wrong decision to make the quotation / budget.


The education in my family stressed fate because my great grand father had a fortune teller that told him his fate. My great-grandfather sold rice during his life, and the fortune teller told him if you want to be rich you can’t have children, if you want to have children, you will be poor, but he chose the second, yes he was poor, he had eleven child, but fate is a difficult [concept / idea]. The first wife was my great grandmother and the second wife was [not related] to me.  I don’t know maybe the – you know in China we have a has sentence that means: “father and mother tell you — you should be married — and they will arrange your marriage” and the second reason is maybe that the first one couldn’t have a baby. I think that fate connects with luck. If you do things is the right way and the lucky will be become to my life. If you do the things not right way will be bad. This is the fate. And in my life.

Exactly I’m not too Christian / [extreme] / I’m not too [devout]. I think changing my fate is about two things the first thing is after I graduated college and worked for my first boss. he was a designer and he wanted to take me to his new company, everything was prepared but he told me you should make your budget about this design case and give it to him – you know this is a bad thing I chose not to do that I stayed at my first company and I thought this was a very difficult occasion so these things made me think my work was over, and after that lucky things started to happen to me… I became the department leader in this company, and I didn’t make wrong decisions about the budget.

Idea 1 + THAT + Idea 2
Idea 1 + ABOUT + Idea 2
Pay attention to PAST TENSE when telling a story.




devout – 虔诚

I have luck.
I am lucky.

stressed – to say that this is important
e.g. I am stressing to you, don’t go out in the sun during summer!
e.g. My mother stressed to me as a child: say your prayers before eating dinner!

fate = destiny

confirmed – 确认 – “yes this is true”
e.g. My grandfather confirmed the fortune teller’s fortune!

in the past / in the future/ in past times / in the distant past

your family has a history of learning abut fate

this idea of fate was passed down from your great-great grandfather
the idea of fate was passed down from generation to generation

everything is supposed to happen – everything should happen – everything must happen
that’s the way it’s supposed to be

life no longer had a meaning


at this time
during this time

women didn’t have many choices and nor did men
women didn’t have many choices and neither did men
women didn’t have many choices and men didn’t either
women didn’t have many choices and or did men

the wall should be straight but if the wall shouldn’t be straight then…
the wall should be straight but if the wall isn’t straight then…

I think change my fate
I think changing my fate
I think to change my fate