F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)(S)


For your enjoyment, you should watch “Interstellar” a movie directed by Christopher Nolan with the actor Matthew McCouhaney.

Review pronunciation and Speaking Story.


China landed the moon / China landed on the moon

I see a man-made walk device is walking on the moon

See the rocket fire / good

Apollo landed the moon 1969 / Apollo landed on the moon in 1969

I heard that President of American signed a new space agreement / …the President of America…

e.g. America = The Place/Noun

e.g. I want to go to America. Not “I want to go to the America”.

e.g. American = The Person/Also Describes America/Adjective

Don’t say “each of” = Say “either”


rocket / ROCK-IT

Speaking exercise

I remember maybe Russia was the first country which wanted to landed on the moon. The Americans done did it first, not the Russia the Russians/Russia. When the Americans knew that the Russia wanted to land on the moon, they did their job faster so America was the first country which landed on the moon.

When I heard about this I thought that each of either America or Russia wanted to show their power, muscle to improve/prove that they can do something. It was a threat to the opposite side, but maybe unfortunately it break broke the Russia’s economy.

I watched a Russian movie which is talking about talked about how they repaired a space station in space; the space station’s name was Number 7 Fire “Rock”(Rocket), and in the movie the officers from Russia’s government didn’t want the help from the Americans/the help of the Americans, and they asked their scientists to fix the broken station before the American astronauts arrived at the station; and actually American sent their astronauts to the space, but they didn’t landed the on the space station. The Russian scientists of course they were….the astronauts just repaired the station and they saw the Americans’ spaceship, and the American astronauts saw the Russian astronauts had already fixed the space station well, so they saluted them.


thought / sought

their / sair

in / een /IH-NUH

the / ze


astronaut 宇航员 / a man in space

conspiracy 阴谋 / it’s a story that people think the government says, but that it’s not the truth.

e.g. The people who believe in the moon landing conspiracy think that America lied about landing on the moon because they wanted Russia to think they were great.

e.g. Another big conspiracy is that the US government killed President JFK.