F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)[S]


negotiation / negotiator – 谈判

e.g. Trump is a strong negotiator.

e.g. Right now China and the US are having negotiations about trade.

make a deal – åšä¸ªäº¤æ˜“

e.g. We hope that China and the US will make a good deal that helps everyone.

cheer -欢呼

e.g. Alice didn’t like playing volleyball, she preferred to cheer on her friends.


Great job with your verb tenses! 👍

but in university not many memories for me / but in/at/during university I don’t have many memories

maybe in university – maybe during university – maybe at university

I will not very strict mom – I will not be a very strict mom

Because I didn’t have my free / freedom

Speaking exercise


always play because I was like play student – my study was not very well – high school was happy time for me – maybe my classmates are very funny students – my teacher my homeroom teacher was very kind man, he didn’t strict to us – and one thing – most interesting thing was our class had many boy students – 40 boy students and 18 girl students – our class was the best of sports – football and basketball, all sports, my class was the best. No, at that time, our generation, parents didn’t follow us to go out – just in school we had many memories. But my class was the lowest had the lowest grades/scores because we liked to play. We always playing like sports and got camping outside.


I always played because I didn’t take my studies seriously – my study habits were not very strong – high school was a happy time for me – maybe my classmates were very funny students – my teacher my only teacher was a very kind man, he wasn’t strict towards us – and one more thing – the most interesting thing was our class had many boy students – 40 boy students and 18 girl students – our class was the best at sports like football and basketball, volleyball, all sports, my class was the best. No, at that time, in our generation, parents didn’t allow us to go out – just in school we had many memories. But my class  had the lowest grades/scores because we liked to play more. We always were playing sports and went camping outside.