F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)[S]


its a shame – it’s a bad thing


so I was exciting – so I was excited

when I in middle school – when I was in middle school

Speaking exercise


Actually this trip is different form the other holidays because we Weill join the tour and lot of kids will together study and study the knowledge and visionary some special places and they will have a good experience to ride a camel and the teacher will tell them the poem about how to describe desert and we will go to the library and talk about the desert and history and some interesting things about this place – we also have a camel tent – we can live outside and have a bonfire – actually my husband want to go with us but his boss refused him about the vacation leave – I can ask about 15 days annual leave every year – but he only 2 days once – but actually for me because I work for my company for a long time – its flexible I can work at any place.


Actually this trip is different from the other holidays because we will join a tour and lots of kids will study together and study the knowledge and visit some special places and they will have a good experience where they can ride a camel and the teacher will tell them poems about how to describe the desert and we will go to the library and talk about the desert. We will also talk about history and learn some interesting things about this place – we also will live in a tent – we can live outside and have a bonfire – actually my husband wants to go with us but his boss refused his vacation request/wouldn’t allow him to go  – I can ask for about 15 days annual leave every year – but he only gets 2 days – but actually for me because I have worked for my company for a long time – its flexible I can work from anywhere.


Good day…the first important element for a good day is that I sleep well. So when I get up in the morning and I feel good im not tired with a lot energy and I have a clear plan what’s going on for this full day – and also the weather will impact my mood so sunshine and maybe blue sky and birds flying in the sky – its an important element to impact me – then a good day is probably everything fixed up – so maybe yesterday I have a big problem for the projects but when the next day I have a call and everything was done – another thing for the good day is that my daughter with a nice mood she not cry and she go to school happily – get up very early but sortimes she dont want to go to school because she was sleepy and with a bad mood in the morning dont want to eat breakfast.


What’s a good day for me?The  first important element for a good day is that I sleep well. So when I get up in the morning and I feel good and im not tired with a lot of energy and I have a clear plan for what’s going on in my day- and also the weather will impact my mood so sunshine and maybe blue sky and birds flying in the sky these things have a positive impact on my mood – then a good day probably includes everything is fixed up – so maybe yesterday I have big problems with my work projects but when the next day comes I have a call and everything was done/[completed] – another thing for a good day is that my daughter has a nice mood she does not cry and she goes to school happily – she gets up very early but sometimes she doesn’t want to go to school because she was sleepy or has a bad mood in the morning doesn’t want to eat breakfast.