F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)(S)

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Let’s focus on upgrading Amy’s vocabulary giving her many different possible business words for her ideas for conference calls. Topics include: project status & opinions on the product portfolio (pricing, features, markets, opportunities).

Speaking exercise


Normally I will go out do some exercise, probably I don’t feel sad about related to my work – sometimes I will have some that is – every month I have some day to feel not good – mind – I will go out and do some exercise and play with my kid – that will make me feel better.

Corrected + Upgraded

Normally I will go out to do some exercise / Often I will go out and exercise / Often I find I need to be more active 

probably I don’t feel sad about related to my work / usually I’m not sad about work / usually work isn’t what bothers me / usually work doesn’t bring me down

sometimes I will have some that is – every month I have some day to feel not good – mind / in find each month I usually will have a day or two where I’m not feeling well 

I will go out and do some exercise and play with my kid – that will make me feel better / playing with my child usually lifts my spirits / playing with my child can usually liven me back up / I’m energized when I get out and exercise or play with my kid / my mind is refreshed after I do yoga


Our products they are family looking so is – when you look at that product you can clear that this belong to Hoors – recognition/recognizable/distinguishable 识别度- very special or very different from our competitors or the local brands product. Our task seating has very excellent ergonomic consideration so you can sit there very comfortable. It’s good for your shoulders and spine.

Original + Upgraded

Our products they are family looking so is when you look at that product you can clear that this belong to ours- recognition/recognizable/distinguishable 识别度-very special or very different from our competitors or the local brands product. the products of local brands.

Our products have a great family-feel / our products have a distinctive/recognizable look that separates/[distinguishes] them from our competitors  and other local brands.

Our task seating has very excellent ergonomic consideration so you can sit there very comfortable. It’s good for your shoulders and spine.

Our task seating has a great ergonomic design / we focused very intensely on the ergonomics of each seat/chair/sofa

The chairs are incredible comfortable/cozy and can help ease tension in the shoulders and the spine / they are very supportive for your shoulders, back, and spine


the Europe side products / on the European side our products….

the cost analysis was same as …. / the cost analysis was the same as…

same cost as Zoey than I want… / if it’s the same cost as Zoey than I want…


moody – my mood changes frequently / all the time

all the time = always

take a hit – do poorly – the product or business will be hit negatively

e.g. When Nicholas does Thai boxing his head takes many hits.

e.g. During the 2008 financial crisis, my business took a huge hit.

globalized v. localized / localizing – making something “local”

e.g. McDonald’s localized their menu for the Chinese market.

price bracket – a range of prices from the bottom to the top

price point – the specific price not the range

cost structure – how the expenses of the companies and products are organized

to validate / validation – you have confirmed my thinking – you agree with my thinking and now my thinking is stronger

e.g. Amy agreed that McDonald’s have the best hamburger so it validated my opinion!

“design is subjective” – subjective – depends on people’s opinions and preferences not “facts” or “science”, which are called objective.

e.g. What defines a “good movie” is completely subjective – it’s up to the person.

e.g. When we are doing our seating analysis we need to look at/consider objective measures such as price, sales, revenue, etc.

“progressive in terms of design” – progressive – keeping pace with future trends – embracing new ideas and tastes

e.g. People liked Barack Obama because he was very progressive – as the times changed, so did his opinions.