F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)

Class Date — November 7th — 2:20 – 3:00 PM


Fancy (看中) / Definition: Elaborate in structure or decoration

e.g. That furniture is very fancy — it must be expensive!

Ornate (华丽) / defn: Very similar to fancy; the design contains/has many little, fine, elaborate details.

e.g. The furniture contains jewels from all over the world in a very ornate design.

Gaudy (浓艳) / defn: Another word similar to the previous two; design that is fancy, ornate, but viewed by most people as “too much”; it doesn’t look good because it’s so “over the top”.

e.g. “No, I’m not a fan of that style, it looks too gaudy.”

High-End / defn: Somewhat of an informal word; means expensive and for more sophisticated (复杂) buyers.

e.g. I only sell furniture to high-end buyers and customers.

Sunk Cost / defn: This is an expense or cost that you pay once and can never get back — you lose the money.

e.g. There was no money back guarantee; it was a sunk cost.


I work on Floor 32 the 32nd floor of the building.

“Germany used to do more business in China, but now, things are more competitive.


Quality: pronounced: kwall-ity

Sustainability: pronounced: sus-stain-ability