F2F Class Notes (Nicholas) [S]


curriculum / 课程

talk / noun 

e.g. We need to have a talk.

e.g. We need to have a speak. 

e.g. I talk to my boss. I speak with my boss.

Medicare / health insurance in the USA for people ages 65 and up

long term care insurance / insurance that covers nursing home expenses

e.g. If you need long term care, it will cost you usually 10,000 USD per month.

“out of pocket expenses” 

e.g. What’s not covered by insurance has to come “out of pocket”.

e.g. “when people pay out of pocket” they are usually more careful about the quality of the service and how much it costs.

nominal value / the value in name

real value / this is what that money can buy you in goods and service


I finished the season 1…the season 2 / I finished the first season and second season

Speaking exercise

It’s a big question but I can talk one point. Many western countries there are a lot of private market. People buy medicine on their own but in china the government can cover most of the listed drugs. There is a national drug list in China and the country will pay that. But in the list most of the drugs are not quite expensive so people can have some better choice outside the list. but for Chinese people most of them are not very rich so it benefits a lot to them if they have the listed drugs the country can cover but for the western countries the people. most of them are middle class and they are willing to buy the commercial insurance which can afford the higher quality and expensive medicine. Ask about a variety of topics from a financial perspective.

It’s a big question but I can speak to one aspect. Many western countries have lots of private markets. People buy medicine on their own but in china the government can cover most of the listed drug costs. There is a national drug list in China and the country will pay for that / any drug on that list. But on the list most of the drugs are not so expensive so people can have some better choices /options outside of this list. but for Chinese people most of them are not very rich so it benefits them a lot-  if they have the listed drugs the country can cover but for people in western / developed countries  most of them are upper-middle class and they are willing to buy the commercial insurance which can pay for the higher quality and expensive medicine. Ask about a variety of topics from a financial perspective.