F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)

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Explain and give examples of the difference of “Except” vs “Besides”


I just google it / I just googled it

money and richness / money and wealth

we got an education that / we’ve been taught that / our education has taught us

everybody know that / everybody knows that

feel difficult to admit that / I have difficulty admitting that

you should think it as a toolyou should use it as a tool

some friend of mine / friends

they compete compare their wellness with their neighbors

competing eachother’scomparing with each other 

A good life for me is don’t have any trouble with healthcare / A good life for me is not having any trouble with healthcare

I have some time be tired / I have days where I am tired / there are times when I’m tired

have their basic needs met

except the basic needs which they have met / besides the basic needs which have been met

their current situation / [state] 

I think human beings like that / I think human beings are like that

I was more struggling / I struggled more with… / I was struggling with…

I think more important thing… / I think the more important thing

it’ won’t / IT WANT / it WOE-NT


“We compare our behind the scenes, with everyone else’s highlight reel….”

being rich / [being wealthy]

Magnum Opus / Latin “the great work” / 

“…in a nutshell” / this is the small version of what I think – or the small version of a much bigger, complex story

e.g. That’s my story in a nutshell.

“Comparison is the thief of joy” – President Theodore Roosevelt

pillar ideasfoundational beliefs

“money is the root of all evil…”

“you cannot serve two masters: you cannot love both God and money…”]

objective / objectively / demonstrably / it can be proven by statistics, studies and science

e.g. It’s objective reality that life is not happiness for some people in the world.

e.g. Blue is the best color in the world – this is not an objective statement because I can’t prove it – it’s therefore a “subjective” statement.