F2F Class Notes (Nicholas) [W]

Next Class Focus

Next class let’s continue pronunciation practice, review your transcript and re-record your transcript.


Write a paragraph about: what age do you think is appropriate for a son/daughter to have their first boyfriend/girlfriend? Tell me why you think this age is best…

Writing exercise


I am not a 100 score Mum, maybe score 60/70. Honestly, I hope my daughter can do everything on her own and my job is just about giving her a guidance that will not make the things mess.

My parenting philosophy is that you can do everything but don’t hurt yourself and other people and don’t destroy the things around you intentionally. I don’t want to control my daughter, because she is an independent human and she has her own thoughts even though she is just 4.5 years old. When I make a decision, which relate to her or family, I’d like to involve her. When she asks to watch TV, play the pad and eat candies, I also would like to look at her eyes and ask her how long /how many you want to watch/play/eat. Maybe it will be a fight between us before finalizing the rule because both of us want to gain more benefit, normally, we will get a balance point and she will follow the rule we make together, and she feel she is respected.

So, everything will follow this process and things become easier. Now she only watches one episode, eats one candy a today and reads books every day. And I also ask her to do household chores, such as make the bed, set the table and vacuum the floor, and I told her to keep the home clean is family members’ responsibility.


I am not a 100 score Mum, maybe score 60/70. If I were to rate myself as a mother, I’d give myself a 60 or a 70. Certainly not a 100. Honestly, I hope my daughter can do everything on her own [independently]and my job is just about giving her guidance that will not make the things a mess. My job should be only to give her guidance, so she doesn’t make a mess of things.

My parenting philosophy is that you can do everything, but don’t hurt yourself and other people; also don’t destroy the things around you intentionally. I don’t want to control my daughter because she is an independent human; she has her own thoughts, even though she is just 4.5 years old. When I make a decision, which relates to her or the family, I’d like to involve her. When she asks to watch TV, play the pad or eat candies, I also would like to look at her in the eyes and ask: “how long do you want to do this activity?” or “how many candies do you want to eat?”. Maybe we will fight before finalizing the rule because both of us want to gain all we can. Normally, we will find a balancing point and she will follow the rules we make together — hopefully she feels respected.

So, everything will should follow this process and things will become easier. Now she only watches one episode, eats one candy daily, and reads books every day. I also ask her to do household chores such as: make the bed, set the table, vacuum the floor, and keep her room tidy — this is each family member’s responsibility. 


Debate = two people arguing a topic to determine who has a better idea.

e.g. My daughter and I often debate when she should go to bed.

Resolve = to find a solution to a tough/difficult problem.

e.g. Sometimes managers have to resolve difficult situations between fighting team members.