F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)


Write 4-5 sentences about how you “approach” your work — what attitude do you bring to your work, what style, how do you like to do things at work? This is called your “approach to work”? What is your approach to life? How do you approach life?

Next Class Focus

Next class choose a business topic.


a choice / you choose a choice / “which one do you want?”

e.g. Do you want to wear a black jacket or a white jacket today? It’s your choice.

e.g. We all have choices in life.

attractive (adj) / to attract (verb) / it attracts me / I see it and I think it’s beautiful and I want it so I go to it

e.g. Angela Baby is so attractive, she attracts me.

e.g. Handsome men with lots of money are more attractive than poor men.

e.g. What attracts you to Shanghai? Oh it’s international, it’s big! I love it!

approach 逼近 / to walk up to someone / “cold approach” / when you approach someone that you never met, she doesn’t know you — “you’re going in cold”

e.g. Park approached me in the library to say hello!

e.g. I saw a beautiful girl in the bar, so I approached her.

e.g. I was approached by a man in the park.

a cold call / you get on the phone, you call strangers, and you ask them to buy your product

e.g. Cold calls are usually very awkward and unsuccessful because people like to buy from people they know!

to rule over / 统治

e.g. Emperors rule over their citizens/people/subjects.

e.g. Pet owners rule over their cats and dogs.

“to thirst for” / to want very badly

e.g. I thirst for an ice cold beer.

e.g. I thirst for a new job.

“to ask someone out” / “will you go out on a date with me”

e.g. Did you ask her out? No I didn’t ask her out.

“to be shot down” / to be rejected 被拒绝 / they say NO!

e.g. My boss shot down my idea.

pathetic / 可怜

e.g. Men who cry are pathetic.

e.g. The way he acted while he was drunk was pathetic. He was rude to everyone.


I like some girls who don’t attractive for money / who aren’t attracted to money

Some of my classmates have got married / …got married / …are married

until now my classmates have been married are not my good friend / up until now, the classmates that got married aren’t close friends