F2F Class Notes (Nicholas) [S + W]


Tell me in what situations is it OK/”permissible”允许 to lie?

Next Class Focus

Continue to focus on grammar rules and speaking, and can discuss “to permit”.

Writing exercise

Original + Corrected

When it comes to having children, parents often prefer to have sons. I think son has a sense of security. I think having a son gives one a sense of security.

Nowadays, Shanghai is the most equal city of China. We all know that Shanghai women have a high status, Shanghai men are very distressed about their wives. At work, women are no worse than men. In Shanghai, it is fair easy for a woman to find a job.

But such as in Anhui, Guangdong, Hainan, Jiangxi, and Henan province, for example, there are serious gender imbalances due to the traditional preference for boys.

Public hospitals in China are not allowed to tell you if it’s a boy or a girl when you‘re pregnant. I had a baby in a private American hospital. When I had a pregnancy check-up, the doctor told me I was pregnant with a boy.

I found that most of the men who have daughters are derailed. Do they think they have less sense of responsibility for their daughters?


dishonest 不诚实

e.g. Some say the American media is dishonest.

e.g. Some people say American media acts like they are honest, but others say they are dishonest.

lie 谎言

e.g. Some Chinese people believe the newspaper are lying / lie , so we must read things carefully!

e..g Children usually lie!

e.g I was tired so I lied / laid down.

jail / 监狱

e.g. The Huawei daughter was in jail, but not she is free.

court / 法院

e.g. The Huawei daughter left jail, but she must go to court.

to cheat (作弊) / to have an affair / to be unfaithful / “derailed”

e.g. He cheated on his wife.

e.g. You shouldn’t cheat on your husband.

e.g. He had an affair with his maid (女仆)!

e.g. Why did they divorce? Because she was unfaithful.

contacts / “inside glasses”

e.g. Do you wear contacts? So you have a good eyesight.

divorce / 离婚

e.g. Young people usually divorce because  they I love ownself most they love themself most.

e.g. Young people usually divorce because they have no children.

e.g. Divorcing someone is difficult because usually you love this person very much, but you hate living with them!

Speaking exercise

The man near I know The men I know…..like my cousin…many men they also derailed….my friends or my classmates they have daughter and they love another woman. But they don’t divorced. But they don’t get a divorce / They don’t divorce.


To get married is not difficult, but keep going the marriage is very difficult / Getting married isn’t difficult, but keeping the marriage alive is very difficult

how many years ago did you marry / how many years have you been married?

e.g I have been married for 3.5 years.