F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)


Nowadays: a way of describing something that usually happens today versus how it used to happen in the past.

e.g. When my grandmother was young, smoking cigarettes was very popular for teenagers; but nowadays young people don’t smoke because it’s unhealthy.

Celebrity / Celebrities (名人): famous people; society is very interested in these people’s lives.

e.g. I think the biggest celebrity in China is Angela Baby — she’s a star!

Tutorial (教程): a set of instructions to teach you how to do something;

e.g. Nowadays people watch YouTube tutorials to learn how to do makeup or even fix a car.

College: just another way of saying “university”; college is usually less formal than “university”

e.g. Which college did you graduate from?

Supportive / Support (支持): describing something/someone that helps you.

e.g. Is your father supportive of your decision to go into the theater?

Very rarely: a way of saying “infrequently” or “not very often” or “seldom”.

e.g. Very rarely will I eat fast food like McDonald’s or Burger King.

Culture (文化): the ideas, foods, music, people, architecture — basically everything that makes a country unique.

e.g. Italy is known for its great food culture — pastas, pizza and red wine.

Beauty standards: this is how we judge who is beautiful; beauty standards change over time and sometimes are different from culture to culture.

e.g. Many young women have difficulty achieving the high beauty standards of celebrity culture.

Non-Asian vs. Asian: just a way of saying people from Asia and people not from Asia.

e.g. Russia is on the continent of Asia but do people consider them Asian or non-Asian people?

Eyelid tape (眼睑胶带): the beauty product that girls often wear to make their eye look bigger and so that they can use different types of makeup above their eye.

e.g. Eyelid tape is a beauty product unique to East Asian cultures — Western cultures don’t have need for eyelid tape!

Exotic (外来): describing something that is striking, unusual, very different, but not meant as an insult; to be “exotic” is to be loved for being so unique.

e.g. Super models often look strange compared to other people because they have such exotic features.

Surgery (手术): a procedure where a doctor will cut you open and fix something inside your body; you can get heart surgery or surgery on your knee; you can also get cosmetic surgery which means “beauty” surgery to make you look more beautiful.

e.g. Often Americans will travel to other countries to undergo surgery because it’s cheaper!


Suitable: pronounced: suit-able


She wants a tan (darker skin). She wants to go tanning.

Our school offers many different major majors.

I’ve visited different theater theaters all over the world.

I attend school Monday through Thursday, no Friday but not on Friday.