F2F Class Notes (Nicholas) [S]


Review grammar, and write about how you show your love for your parents.


when my boy wake up / when my boy wakes up

e.g. When my boy wakes up at 7 AM, I must take care of him.

e.g. Why do you take care of him? I take care of him because I care for him/I love him.

these days he wakes up 7 AM / these days he wakes up at 7 AM

a few days ago very tired to care him / a few months ago I was too tired to care for him

e.g. I care for my boy; this means I love my boy; this means I care about him; my feelings.

e.g. I take care of my boy; this means I cook for him, I clean for him, I change his diaper, I clean his clothes; my actions.

these days he doesn’t like to eating / these days he doesn’t like to eat


he likes play now / he just likes to play now / he likes playing, not he likes to playing


he likes to do something / he likes to doing something / he likes doing something

“it depends on if…” 

e.g. I can take a nap in the afternoon, if I’m not working in the afternoon — it depends on if I’m working.

if this happens then this happens”

e.g. If I wake up at 7:00 AM then I go to McDonald’s.

e.g. If A happens, then B must happen.

“by…” / the way of doing something

e.g. Mothers show their love by cooking food.

e.g. Teachers teach their students by talking.


nap / it’s a short sleep

e.g. The baby takes a nap at 7 AM. How long is his nap?

e.g. His nap is 30 minutes.

correct / right!

e.g. Her answer was correct.

incorrect / wrong!

e.g. His answer was incorrect.

thoughtful / you thought/think about me and it’s special

e.g. Nicholas gave Alice a very thoughtful gift.

e.g. Before Nicholas gives a gift, he will be very thoughtful.

e.g. Alice was very happy when Nicholas gave her a baby bed; the gift was very thoughtful.


Asia / not AZIA / AYY-JUH

Asian / AYY-JIN

Europe / UR-UP

European / UR-UP-EE-IN

Africa / AF-RI-CUH

e.g. I went to Africa.

African / AF-RI-KIN

Speaking exercise

Yeah, I love them in my heart, but not tell them “I love you”. I think most Chinese people think, talk about “I love you” is very shy, and our culture, maybe not usually use, and like as Chinese movie or drama, not usually use this. To buy gift, write the letter; but in my house we usually use “I love you”.

Yeah, I love them in my heart, but I don’t tell them: “I love you”. I think most Chinese people think saying “I love you” is [awkward 尴尬], and in our culture, maybe we don’t usually use it. In Chinese movies or dramas, they don’t usually use this. Chinese people show love [by] buying gifts, writing letters. But in my house, we usually say “I love you”.