F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)

“we had a falling out” / we were friends/partners then slowly over time we drifted apart, we had an argument, and now we are not friends anymore — we had a falling out.

e.g. Oh, are you still friends with so and so. No, unfortunately, we had a falling out. Honestly, we had a bit of a falling out.

“To be frank…” / this is when you want to share your opinion and maybe your opinion will be uncomfortable /conformational for the other person to hear, usually you should use this to stand up for yourself.

e.g. To be frank, Nick, I think you are a horrible teacher.

“behind-the-scenes role…” / this is a person, who isn’t in front and visible/seen by everyone, but they play an important role in “making the movie”

e.g. Sooyoon enjoys to be behind-the-scenes, rather than front and center.

conceal / to hide

e.g. Nick’s intentions were concealed (hidden).

e.g. Nick conceals his true feelings.

minimize / make it smaller

e.g. In the workplace, you shouldn’t minimize serious problems.


heights / hates / HITE / KITE

purpose / PUR-POSE / PUR-PISS

judged / JUDGED / JUDGE-ED


“We like to keep a low profile…”

at the workforce / in the work force / at the work place

in my working culture / in our work culture / in my work culture

sometimes it’s OK to be lying / sometimes it’s OK to lie

you hide their sick / minimize their illness / minimize the effects/fallout of their illness

pressure on my shoulders / I’m carrying a lot on my shoulders / I have a lot on my plate / I have so much on my plate right now / to carry a heavy burden