F2F Class Notes (Nicholas) [S]

Next Class Focus

For future classes, we can have a basic business/sales approach/topics.

Next class, we can also look at some sales-oriented YouTube videos.


when I graduate / when I graduated

because my major is engineering / because my major was engineering

if you like…then you should buy…” / If A happens, then B must happen / Maybe you like it, maybe you don’t, but “if you do…then you must do this…”

e.g. If you like taking pictures then you should buy a Oppo.


cost (成本)

bezel (面板)

functions (功能)

they can give me so much, but they give me little / they told me they would [compensate] me greatly, but they compensated me very little

I often get bad [things] / I often get bad [products]

customer / someone who buys your product, but you don’t have a strong relationship with the person

e.g. I buy my iPhone from Apple, but I don’t know who the salesman is, I am Apple’s customer.

client /  this is someone that is like a customer, but you have a close relationship/friendship with them, they trust you, and they don’t buy from you one time, they buy from you many times over many years.

honest / tell the truth 真理

e.g. Some salesmen are honest.

dishonest / not honest

e.g. Some salesmen/salespeople are dishonest.

“let’s consider” / let’s think about this thing together

e.g. Let’s consider the cost of buying an iPhone.

“let’s compare…” / let’s look at two things side-by-side and see where is the difference…which one is better?

e.g. We can compare lions and tigers. We can compare Nikes and Adidas. We can compares Opposite and Apple.



Speaking exercise

First, it looks nice and it feels excellent. It’s cheaper than Apple, than Samsung, so I bought it.

First, let’s start with the appearance. It looks nice and it feels excellent. The screen is very smooth (光滑).

Second, let’s consider the cost (成本): The Oppo FindX is much cheaper than Apple’s iPhone. Let’s compare them: the Opposite costs 5,000 RMB, whereas the iPhone costs almost 8,000 RMB.

First you can feel it and you look at the screen it’s so big, and there is no bezel (面板). It’s fast in fact and it’s really cheap, cheaper than Apple. And there are so many different functions (功能). You like picture, its nice, it’s better than Apple. If you like taking pictures, the camera is much better than the iPhone.