F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)

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Replace “get” with “became”…


damp /Ā wet

dweller /Ā someone who sleep or stays in a place

fascinate /Ā to beĀ amazed by something or to think something is amazing

enlightened /Ā they have become smarter, more enlightened, they understand more now.

he finally “saw the light” /Ā I learnedĀ something new, finally. I finally realized something I didn’t know before

when did you “open your eyes” /Ā when did you learn something

stroke of genius /Ā in a moment you realized some great knowledge

I couldn’t recognize / I couldn’t recognize the importance of it


but I almost forget all of the knowledge of math / but I almostĀ forgot…

what the real thing looks / looksĀ like…

the other peoples /Ā people

the others people get angry and try to kill him / the other peopleĀ becameĀ angry & try to kill him

before that I always want to play / before thatĀ time IĀ just wanted to play

I know I have to take responsibility for myself Ā /Ā IĀ knewĀ IĀ hadĀ to take responsibility for myself


“me too” and “me neither” / me too = positive / me neither = negative


mature /Ā MUH-CHUR

adult /Ā UH-DALT