F2F Class Notes (Nicholas) [W]


Does anyone you know have any superstitions? 迷信

Writing exercise


There are two museums in New York I want to go for visiting most,one is The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the other one is American Museum of Nature History.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the best three museums in the world. And it reviews the development of human civilization. The museum has a collection of 3.3 million items,it’s really a good chance to view so many collections once.
The American Museum of Natural History records the evolution of American natural history, which is different from the various nature museums seen in China.
I really love to know more information and learn different local conditions and customs from China.


There are two museums in New York I want to visit most. One is The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the other one is the American Museum of Natural History.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the best / top three museums in the world. It reviews the development of human civilization. The museum has a collection of 3.3 million items,it’s really a good chance / a great opportunity  to view so many collections at once.

The American Museum of Natural History records the evolution of American natural history, which is different from the various nature museums seen in China.
I would really love to know more information and learn about different local conditions and customs.I want learn about different cultures other than China.

American culture is different from Chinese culture. 

Don’t start a sentence with AND BUT THEN or BECAUSE.


stable / stability – 稳定

vaccine – ç–«è‹—

supernatural / paranormal – 超自然

end – finished 
After he finished his work.
After he ended his work.

gravestone – 墓碑
My grandfather accidentally stepped on a gravestone.

graveyard – 墓地

crawl  – 爬
He crawled around the gravestone.
Babies crawl before they can walk.

rooster – 公鸡
The rooster crows every morning very loudly.

skull – 头骨

rumor / rumored 
There was a rumor that the house was haunted.
It was rumored that the house was haunted.

consume / consumed / consumer – to eat / take in
Consumers consume goods and services from the economy.
The snake consumed the mouse.
The fire consumed my friend.
Ideas can consume people’s minds.