F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)


Do you have any fears?


obsess / obsession – ç—´è¿·
do you have any obsessions?
are you obsessed with anything?
it is very easy for me to get obsessed with something.
I am a very obsessive person.
When I was a teenager I was obsessed with novels.
The third thing I obsessed over was playing video games.

consume – to take in / to eat
consumer – they take in goods and services
the snake consumed the rabbit
it consumes my mind


it’s not about in now
it took place a long time ago
it didn’t take place today

they have many options to select from / choose from

the scenery in this novels
the scenery in these novels

there were some romantics
there were some romantic scenes (adj)

was it big?
yes but it wasn’t as big as the real movie theater

everyone put his money into the property / [real estate] market
everyone put their money into the property / [real estate] market

some factors was moved to different countries
some factors were moved to different countries