F2F Class Notes (Nicholas)


fruition – FROO-ISH-IN


in good faith – to enter into something in good faith – you and I establish trust and we have good intentions.

e.g. Michelle and Nicholas entreated into a business agreement in good faith.

e.g. Michelle and Nick made a good faith agreement.

“to your point..” – say this in the beginning of the sentence when you want to acknowledge what someone else said and continue talking about that topic

e.g. To your point Michelle, thinking of my life ins 10 years is a good idea.

quite bizarre – a little strange

“that went south” – to go badly

e.g. The business plan went south quickly after the financial statement was released.

“play chess not checkers” – I am playing the “game” of life more intelligently than you because you play checkers (a simple game).

e.g. We’re playing chess not checkers.

upgraded “big time” – in a big way – informal – very important

e.g. This was a big time performance for Michelle at the company.

to come true / to be reality / [to come to fruition] – FROO-ISH-IN

white trash – poor, dirty, white people – very bad word – derogatory

thugs / gangsters / ghetto – bad words for black people

dumpster – dumpy – dirty


within our manager team / within our management team

from my observation I didn’t see / form my observation I haven’t seen

from finance perspective / from a financial perspective / from finance’s perspective

financial – adj

finance – noun

they are more care about long term plans / they care more about long term plans